Hand to Eye: Pink Eye Print Company’s Autumn Art Sale
Pink Eye Print Company began their operation in 2011 and have remained an essential part of all things tangible in the St. John’s arts community ever since. Comprised of artists Jon Keefe, Pascale Horan and Jessica Smith, Pink Eye Print Co. quite literally have their hands in everything; consistently approaching every project with a keen (pink) eye for quality and detail.
“As a business, our goal is to design and print high quality posters, books, zines, tees and hoodies, art prints, dresses, download cards, record jackets, and basically anything else we can get our hands on.” says Jessica Smith.
Though print, design and hand assembly are the foundational fields of expertise for Pink Eye, their craft mastery is further exemplified when acting as a publishing house, with a select yearly output of books and zines. A Whale and Other Disorders is one of the company’s ongoing hand-screened and hand-bound volumized collections. It compiles work from some of the most original local talent, and each volume never ceases to be anything short of striking.
“A Whale and Other Disorders came about because we knew there was an interest in zines and thought it would be a great way to engage the local art community” says Smith, “We learned a lot from our first edition of AWAOD, everything from design, to editing, printing and book binding. Print is a very love/hate relationship; When it goes bad, it’s fucking terrible… when it goes good, you feel so accomplished. Between the skills we learned and the collaboration with local artists, we felt really motivated to make it a yearly thing.”
Volume 4 of A Whale and Other Disorders is an upsized offering that introduces a shift from zine to art book. Designed with the versatility to be dismantled and wall-ready, each featured piece of work by 14 local artists can be removed and enjoyed as a standalone print.
“Volume 4 is a departure from our other zines. In the past we kept to a traditional zine size, something handheld and easily shared. However, we enjoy challenging ourselves and mixing it up, so we felt for this volume we would craft more of an art book” says Smith, “It didn’t hurt that we had some really amazing submissions from truly talented artists. Each page is printed and bound by hand, and can easily be disassembled so that each print can be framed. We’re really proud of Volume 4 and look forward to coming up with new ideas and formats for future volumes!”
Check out a sneak peak of work from the artists featured in A Whale and Other Disorders Volume 4:
- AWAOD Sneak Peak #1
- AWAOD Sneak Peak #2
- AWAOD Sneak Peak #3
- AWAOD Sneak Peak #4
Pink Eye Print Company débuts Volume 4 of A Whale and Other Disorders today at the Pink Eye Autumn Art Sale taking place 12-5PM at the Rocket Room (third floor of Rocket Bakery). Admission is free, and there will be no shortage of amazing work available from Pink Eye, and local vendors including: Amery Sandford, Desiree Baker, Driven to Ink, Gallery24, Jason Wells, Jessica Smith, Pascale Horan, Pink Eye Print Co, Rehearsals Rehearsals and Sophie Harrington.
If you live outside of St. John’s and want to grab a copy of A Whale and Other Disorders, head on over to the Pink Eye web shop. Order by November 30th and receive free shipping anywhere in North America.
Pink Eye Autumn Art Sale on Facebook
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